Landscaping Tips For People With Disabilities


Landscaping is one of my favorite hobbies. It’s so rewarding to see a little seedling grow into something beautiful and vibrant. But when I think about landscaping, my mind always goes back to the time when I was a child and found out that we had concrete under our yard instead of dirt. It was quite a letdown at first, but then I realized there are ways to work around this! If you have any sort of disability but still want to create a beautiful landscape for your home or office, here are some tips:

Plant low-maintenance plants.

  • Low maintenance plants are easier to care for. These types of plants require less water, fertilizer and pruning than others.
  • Consider using low maintenance shrubs or trees when landscaping your yard. If you have a disability that makes it difficult to get around your yard, consider choosing shrubs with a low spread so they don’t take up too much space or block your home from view from the street.
  • Examples of good low-maintenance trees include: dwarf fruit tree varieties such as apricot and cherry; evergreen coniferous species like spruce (Picea), fir (Abies), cedar (Thuja) and pine (Pinus).

Use raised beds.

If you have trouble bending or kneeling, raised beds are a great option for you. Raised beds can be made from wood, stone or concrete and they allow you to plant without having to bend down. This makes them easy for people with mobility issues to maintain their garden without assistance from others.

Keep mulch off the ground.

  • Keep mulch off the ground. This is especially important if you have a disability that limits your mobility, since it’s easier to get in and out of wheelchairs when there’s not any mulch on the ground.
  • Mulch can be slippery and dangerous, especially if it’s wet or icy. If someone falls because of this, they may sustain injuries that could require medical attention–and possibly even surgery! Plus, there’s also the risk of infection from ticks (or other insects) in your yard; these critters can bite people who walk through them without knowing they’re there–and cause them to develop diseases like Lyme disease in some cases.*

Create paths and walkways that are easy to navigate.

You may not realize it, but the path you use to get from your front door to the street can make a huge difference in how much independence and freedom you have. Your neighbors might not be able to tell that there’s anything wrong with you–but if they are in a wheelchair or walker themselves, they’ll know exactly how difficult it is for them when they try to navigate these paths on their own.

If possible, create multiple routes between areas of importance around your home so that guests can choose which one works best for them (and their disability). For example:

  • If someone has limited mobility and needs assistance getting around, provide an easy-to-navigate path through grassy areas rather than concrete walkways or stairs near entrances/exits… these may seem like small details but can actually make all the difference!

Consider non-traditional landscape options.

While traditional landscapes are beautiful, they’re not always ideal for people with disabilities. If you want to landscape your yard and still be able to enjoy it, consider these non-traditional options:

  • Use recycled materials. This can include old tires or other items that have been repurposed into planters or other items.
  • Use native plants instead of exotic ones that may require more maintenance and care in order to thrive in your area. Native plants are also more likely to attract pollinators (like bees!) than exotic ones do–and who doesn’t love bees? They’re so cute!
  • Think about using container gardens instead of traditional beds or borders surrounding the house; containers make it easier for people with mobility issues like wheelchair access into them without damaging grasses underneath them

Planting trees can help shade your yard and provide shelter for pets.

Trees are a great way to shade your yard, which can help you stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Trees also provide shelter for pets and help with privacy, noise reduction and wind protection.

If you have a disability, don’t let it stop you from creating the garden of your dreams!

If you have a disability, don’t let it stop you from creating the garden of your dreams!

  • Find a balance between accessibility and style. You can make your garden accessible by using materials that are easy to access and move around in, like plastic or rubber mulch instead of wood chips. If there are any steps involved in getting into the garden–which there probably will be–make sure they’re wide enough for everyone to get through safely and easily. And if possible, position plants so that they can be reached without having to bend over; this will help prevent back pain from developing over time as well as keep them healthy by letting them get plenty of light (and water!).
  • Try growing herbs in containers on wheels so that people with mobility issues can move them easily when watering time rolls around each day; fresh rosemary adds a lot flavor when used sparingly with meat dishes like chicken piccata! Even if someone doesn’t have much space at all available inside their home due mainly because everything else was taken up by furniture items such as couches chairs tables lamps etcetera ad nauseam , there’s still hope…


With a little creativity and planning, anyone can have a beautiful garden. If you have any questions or concerns about what might work best for your yard, give us a call and we’ll be happy to help!

Jimmy Hadlock

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